What makes brands desirable across generations

Planning & Analyse

Rapid availability is an essential requirement of our time. Brands also thrive on quick mental availability through simple codes that call up a “brand frame” in the viewer and trigger behavior in the sense of “wanting to have”. Unfortunately, such a simple mental coding of brands does not always work. Especially in the younger target group, brands are losing relevance, as Dr. Uwe Lebok and Nina Dörrbaum from K&A Brand Research.

There was a time when brands were really important in people's everyday lives. For the baby boomers in particular – those born between 1950 and 1964 – they paved the way for the liberalization of our society. Brands and advertising were not infrequently an expression of self-realization and individualization. Advertising made brands – or at least clearly shaped brand signals, brand messages and brand stories.

The advertising world of the 1970s and also that of Generation X in the 1980s was already diverse, but still easy to remember for most recipients: The number of channels and commercials was manageable, which helped the recipients to listen to the advertising messages better. As a result, baby boomers and Gen X had more time “with” brands and also experienced more differentiation “through” brands in their everyday lives. Rememberable brand assets and brand stories were also a necessary basis for this and ultimately shaped the image.

Read the full article on Planning & Analyse.

Posted on December 21, 2021 .

The B2B Brand Masters Podcast Series #4: Jenni Romaniuk

B2B Insights Podcast Channel

This week Nick is joined by Professor Jenni Romaniuk, Associate Director at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute in Australia. Jenni is the author of Building Distinctive Brand Assets, and developer of the Distinctive Asset Grid. She is a research professional with a key focus on branding. Her research spans a vast array of branding topics including (but not limited to) brand equity, brand health metrics, word of mouth and the role of loyalty and growth. Her book, ‘How Brands Grow 2’, has recently been updated and in this new edition Jenni writes specifically about business to business markets.

We are therefore thrilled to invite Jenni onto the B2B Insights podcast to discuss the fundamentals of buying behaviours and brand performance.

Listen to the full podcast episode here.

Posted on November 18, 2021 .

Brands that do not yet have a character should report to Comrade Žinčić


In our advertising, it is remascoted and recharacterized. There seem to be agencies where you have a pretty decent chance of being "assigned" a character or mascot when you start working with them, regardless of your specific marketing problem. 

Brand building and growth

The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, currently probably the most influential school of thought about marketing (Byron Sharp, Jenni Romaniuk and others come from there), emphasizes the importance of distinctive assets for building and growing a brand (e.g. logo, font, slogan, shapes, colors, sounds, melodies, etc. .).  

Such assets also include a character or mascot, whether animated, "real," animal, human, or personified. Research reported by Jenni Romaniuk shows that characters attract attention and score well on attributes such as Uniqueness and Familiarity (Building Distinctive Brand Assets, 2018).  

Read the full article on Mediálne.

Posted on October 22, 2021 .

Customer Acquisition Is The Only Viable Growth Strategy In B2B, Says Ehrenberg-Bass' Romaniuk

The Contractor

Do you think you will grow your B2B brand by focusing on consumer engagement? According to the law of double jeopardy, you are incorrect, which has ramifications for everything from growth KPIs to marketing technique.

A major new study by Professor Jenni Romaniuk of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, Professor John Dawes and Sahar Faghidno for the LinkedIn B2B Institute confirms that the marketing law of double jeopardy applies to B2B brands just as much as it does to B2C , and for this reason, the only clear path to growing B2B brands is through customer acquisition.

It also explains how B2B marketers can use these lessons virtually for their growth methods.

The law of double jeopardy, first discovered in the 1960s, shows that loyalty is primarily a predictable function of market share, increasing as brands increase the size of their customer base. So it's typical for smaller brands to suffer twice as much compared to their bigger rivals, by having fewer users who are also less loyal.

Read the full article on The Contractor.

Posted on May 27, 2021 .

Brand characters could be the most undervalued asset in B2B marketing

Marketing Week

It’s hard to tell a great story without a great character but most B2B brands seem reticent to entertain the idea. One exception is Salesforce, which introduced Astro who helped revitalise the brand and make it interesting again.

Try telling the story of Star Wars without mentioning any of the characters.

It’s possible. But would you buy tickets to a movie about a gigantic spaceship that blows up a planet and is eventually destroyed by a smaller spaceship? Sounds like a flop to us…

There’s no question Star Wars has revolutionary products – the lightsaber is the undisputed market leader in energy swords – but it’s not the products that make Star Wars famous.

It’s the characters. It’s Luke, Leia, R2D2, Darth Vader, Yoda – it’s even Jar Jar Binks. And it’s not just Star Wars. Almost every Disney movie is named after its central character, from Snow White to Wall-E to Black Panther.

You simply can’t tell a great story without a great character.

B2C marketers already understand this. Characters have built countless B2C brands. The Geico Gecko. Orlov the Meerkat. Red and Yellow, the M&Ms. The Most Interesting Man In The World. The Michelin Man. Mr Clean. The Energizer Bunny. Tony the Tiger. The Aflac Duck.

So where are all the B2B characters?

There aren’t many, but there is one.

Close your eyes, B2B marketers, and let us tell you a bedtime story about a racoon-child who roams the streets of San Francisco connecting companies with their customers.

Read the full article on Marketing Week.

Posted on May 27, 2021 .

Branding the jab: the secret weapon to increase vaccination rates


As the global race for COVID-19 vaccination continues, new research from the University of South Australia shows that the uptake of vaccines could be vastly improved if approved vaccine brands received more positive promotion and media coverage.

Conducted by UniSA’s Ehrenberg-Bass Institute of Marketing Science, the study examined more than 2400 unvaccinated adults across three countries – Australia, UK and USA – to identify if people’s willingness to be vaccinated changes when presented with different vaccine brands. 

It found that the more positive information people have about vaccine brands, the more willing they are to be vaccinated with that brand. Given that positive stories about brands typically have 2-3 times higher reach than negative stories, this finding is particularly significant. 

Lead researcher, Professor Jenni Romaniuk says getting people vaccinated has become a combination of two challenges – getting people willing to be vaccinated at all, and getting people willing to be vaccinated with the available vaccine brand.   

Read the full article on News Wise.

Posted on May 21, 2021 .

B2B growth strategy – focus on loyalty or acquisition?

Marketing Facts

The conclusion: 'There's only one viable path, which is increasing customer acquisition' does not reflect practice

When Marketing Science Institute Ehrenberg-Bass shares results of a new study, we prick up our ears. One of the largest research institutes in the field of marketing has already shared many interesting insights in recent years. In any case, the headline in MarketingWeek, where their most recent research was recently published, immediately draws attention: ' Customer acquisition is the only viable growth strategy in B2B.'

According to Professor Jenni Romaniuk of Ehrenberg-Bass , B2B marketers who focus on existing customer loyalty as the basis for growth would be completely wrong . Romaniuk refers, among other things, to recent research on ' the law of double jeopardy ', whereby brands with a lower market share in a market have both fewer buyers in a certain period of time, as well as lower brand loyalty. The research shows that this 'law' does not only apply to B2C brands - as described in detail in the classic How Brands Grow by Byron Sharp -, but also to B2B.

Read the full article on Marketing Facts.

Posted on May 17, 2021 .

Ehrenberg-Bass: Narrow targeting ‘counter-productive’ to B2B growth

Marketing Week

The road to growth in B2B starts with understanding that irrespective of size or positioning, a brand’s main competition are the biggest brands in its category, as shown by a major new study from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute.

For a B2B marketer looking to acquire new customers and drive business growth, it might seem common sense to target a niche group of customers whose needs directly align with the product or service on offer.

However, according to a major new study by Ehrenberg-Bass Institute’s Professor Jenni Romaniuk for the LinkedIn B2B Institute, that’s a “counter-productive” approach. The best way to drive B2B business growth is to target all customers within the brand’s category.

Professor Romaniuk’s study confirms that the marketing law of duplicate purchase applies to B2B markets just as much as it applies to B2C. This means B2B brands share customers with and acquire customers from all other brands in their market, proportional to competitor share.

Building on previous research, Professor Romaniuk observes the duplication of purchase law taking effect across the US business insurance market, as seen in the table below.

Covering 16 different business insurance products, including commercial auto insurance, crime coverage, business income interruption insurance, travel insurance and professional liability insurance, the data shows how customer sharing declines in line with brand penetration.

Read the full article on Marketing Week.

Posted on May 6, 2021 .

The power of brand assets: Rudi ist zurück!


At the right time, Heineken uses the two old brand assets: the slogan Beertje? and der Rudi.

Never change a winning team or in the case of Heineken: the winning horse . The terraces will open today and Heineken has taken its winning horse out of the stable again. Ski instructor Rudi – Who doesn't know the 2002 commercial “Heeeee, Biertje”? – was given a new look on April 20, immediately after the cabinet announcement with the campaign #Heteerstebiertje.

Heineken has planted this well-known brand asset seed to give us the right push on April 28th. They want to see as many happy terrace goers as possible, naturally associated with Heineken. The consumer should celebrate #heterstebiertje by ordering it en masse, photographing it and sharing it via social media. For the time being, we can only enjoy a snack on the terrace until six o'clock, but what's wrong with us: "Give me such a nice beer!"

How Brands Grow

What is Heineken doing so well here? It all comes together. The right moment (the terraces will open again), the two old brand assets (the slogan Biertje? and der Rudi) and a clear call-to-action. Order, enjoy and above all share, in other words create social proof: everyone does it, including you. They make it very easy for us to buy. Byron Sharp would be pleased. Make it easy to buy  is his theory.

If you want people to think about your brand more often, consider you more often and buy more often, you have to build on the mental availability of the brand:  mental availability . You claim a relevant situation in the daily life of the consumer and link this to a strong brand asset. Finally, the beer must also be available to order:  physical availability . If the total picture is relevant for the large group ( mainstreames ), then everyone can think of you, consider you and buy. Ergo: brand growth. The theory of  How Brands Grow  in a nutshell.

Read the full article on Adformatie.

Posted on April 28, 2021 .

Debunking the Pareto principle: Why we should be critical of accepted truths in marketing


Many widely-accepted truths in marketing have a less-than-solid grounding in fact or reality, often due to the way they are repeated uncritically and simplified in quotations, presentations or slide decks. Nils Andersson Wimby talks about one famous example, the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule, and why it isn’t as faultless as it’s presented.

Simple, distinctive and categorical statements have a way of becoming truths. That is because they simplify complex patterns, because they slash the time spent on analysis and discussion in processes, and because they make for really nice statement slides.

These statements and “rules” range from a few indisputable truths, over a wide range of statements that are factually based but are subject to conditions and can be questioned depending on the scenario, to the outright questionable ones. Here are some examples:

“A strong brand reduces price elasticity.” Can’t argue with that.

“The optimal budget distribution between long- and short-term advertising is 60/40.” This is a data-based insight, yet Binet & Field themselves say that the ratio varies depending on brand maturity, category etc. Also, the distinction of budget items between advertising and other disciplines can sometimes be blurry, creating some ambiguity. The rule is valid, but in the over-simplified way it is often repeated, there are arguments to be made against it.

“Successful influencer marketing depends on giving the influencers freedom to create the content they know works for their followers.” I seriously believe this can be questioned, at least if you have some faith in the thinking about distinctiveness, singularity and brand asset management.

“Innovate or die.” We’ve all seen the Kodak slides, but the idea of innovation as a universal necessity is just bonkers.

So while ranging in validity, these statements are regarded as absolute truths because they are so simple, and because their simplicity causes them to be repeated in so many trend and strategy decks. After some time, they become so ubiquitous you are considered out of the loop if you don’t mention them – or agree with them for that matter.

Interestingly, the statements you need to agree with can vary depending on the field you work in. They can also often be completely contradictory to the ones followed by other, adjacent fields. Do you work in digital strategy and UX? Of course, the future is customer-centric and personalized! Ad agency professional? Naturally, most of your efforts need to be emotionally driven and have broad and universal appeal.

One of the laws that has been around long enough to become an accepted truth, and dodged scrutiny and critical examination, is the Pareto principle (also called Pareto’s law).

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Management consultant Joseph M. Juran suggested the principle and named it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 1896.

In the fields of business economics and marketing, the Pareto principle has been applied as the idea that 20% of any given brand’s customers make up 80% of that brands business. As a result, it is concluded that brands would be well-advised to focus a lot of their energy on these most valuable customers.

However, a new paper from Byron Sharp, Jenni Romanuk, Charles Graham and the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute shows that this relationship is just not true.

Read the full article on Econsultancy.

Posted on September 15, 2020 .

Seven tried and tested strategies for getting back into work

Marketing Week

The consequences of the pandemic are now being felt in redundancies, and if you’re in this position, a structured approach is your best bet for finding the next opportunity.

‘We are all in this together.’

Er, no, we’re not. The real impact of the pandemic is now starting to hit us all in marketing and advertising.

The recession is happening and it’s here now. Unsurprisingly, a collapse in demand means that companies are laying off people in droves. And the downstream effect on folks in marketing and advertising has started. Unlike other recessions, this one is affecting almost all industries. So, what should you do if you are being affected?

First, let me take you back to April. Yes, the one that was just a few months ago, but feels like about 20 years.

You might need to read my last column to get the gory and unpleasant (at least for me) details, but here is a quick synopsis: despite having what appears to be a good marketing career, part and parcel of this has been getting laid off four or five times. The reaction to the article took me by surprise.

Lots of people from around the world – Bulgaria, Colombia, Germany, the US, India; you name it – got in touch. They said some pretty nice things. But there were a lot of things I left out. So, here are some battle-tested ideas you can use if your career has been affected, to face your future positively and keep your ambition intact.

I did get accused of using uncompromising language in the last column and was told that maybe I should tone it down (are these people reading Professor Ritson of this parish, I wonder?). Of course, I am going to ignore this advice – so, fasten your seatbelts, snowflakes, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Ideas for coping

When I am asked about coping, I recommend looking at it as the ‘three-month turnaround’ – this is the label I have given to the emotions and perspectives that you’ll experience if you are let go from your job. Let me explain:

  • Month one: You still look backwards – thinking about the job and the world you have left behind. There is some denial, anger and bargaining.

  • Month two: The dawning realisation that the old world is not coming back, and you can start thinking – good and bad – about the future. There is still some denial or anger.

  • Month three: The old job begins to fade in your mind, and you start to look forward to the future and believe in concrete plans. Denial is over and you realise anger is futile.

This model reflects many people’s experiences. Only late in month three can they see the future more clearly – and start making concrete plans. I even suggest that people don’t go applying for lots of jobs or dusting off their CV during this three-month period. Perhaps in month one you will, but in reality you are not seeing clearly – something you don’t realise until after month three.

That’s when it dawns on you that you might have been on autopilot for a while – and I don’t mean in your job. I mean you have been following a ‘script’ that’s been in your head. And now that script is no longer useful.

In cognitive psychology, a script is defined as “a predetermined, stereotyped sequence of actions that define a well-known situation”. We all draw on them to create ideas about how things will unfold – such as when you are laid off.

With the pandemic, some of our previous ideas about your career might now not pan out. The sooner you process this the better. Back to the point about denial here: I have been guilty of using the same scripts and holding on tight to an imaginary future. Nothing good comes of this.

After month three, you should have a clearer head and more realistic take on the future. Working on the CV, getting out there – all of these normal job-hunting practices will be a lot more real and grounded at this stage.

Read the full article on Marketing Week.

Posted on July 3, 2020 .

Call To Action

Call To Action podcast by Gasp!

We've cast a net off the coast of Adelaide this week to catch one of the globe's greatest researchers and sci-fi fans, Jenni Romaniuk. Jenni is Research Professor and Associate Director (International) at the conveyor belt to marketing stars, the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, where she has advised many of the world's biggest brands.

She is the author of two must-read books; Building Distinctive Brand Assets and How Brands Grow Part 2, co-authoring the latter with industry legend Professor Byron Sharp, as well as being an engaging and entertaining keynote speaker at global industry conferences.

She chinwags to us on her first job as a talented mixologist in a football club bar making fruit cups, her two books, how to build mental availability, best practices for managing and measuring distinctive brand assets, and tonnes more. You’d be a fool not to fill your ear canals up.

Listen to the interview on Call To Action.

Posted on June 12, 2020 .

Direct Line understands the power of characters in unlocking branded recall

Marketing Week

Direct Line has replaced one of the most effective brand campaigns of recent years with a new approach that promises similar success, all thanks to the team’s understanding of distinctive brand assets.

In every marketing decade there are a couple of brands that everyone follows. Not just because the brand is brilliant, but because those in charge of it are so far ahead of everyone else that you have to keep an eye on what they do next.

Three decades ago we all looked to Levi's, then to Boddingtons and to Tango, then Gillette, on to Skoda and First Direct, and then spectacular work at Stella Artois and Häagen-Dazs and Cadbury, to Dove, then Tesco and most lately John Lewis.

Each brand, and the team behind it, had its moment in the marketing sun. A six- or seven-year spell when the brand could do no wrong and its strategic excellence begat tactical effectiveness, which built brand equity, which fed more tactical effectiveness. A super-collider of marketing effectiveness that built and built and built.

At the moment, it is very much Direct Line that is building the energy and deriving the most attention from savvy marketers. Mark Evans and his team of flying effectiveness monkeys are smashing it and, as various industry gongs and effectiveness prizes testify, they have their shit well and truly together.

Eventually, as history teaches us, this team will diffract and defect across the industry and the brand will fade from its current power place. But not for a while and certainly not yet.

Read the full article on Marketing Week.

Posted on March 11, 2020 .

Connecting the dots for Coca-Cola

Marketing Tribute

What is the advice to Coca-Cola with regard to outdoor advertising and the use of its own 'heritage'?

“Our advice is to consistently focus on your own distinctive brand assets, the distinctive elements of a brand, as described in Jenni Romaniuk's Building Distinctive Brand Assets. Although this book didn't appear until 2018, Coca-Cola's marketers have long known the importance of communicating consistently. The bottle is a strong element and by always communicating that clearly in combination with the name, strong brain connections are made. Even if you quickly walk past the message, there is a good chance that you will link the combination of color and bottle to Coca-Cola. And then you probably haven't even seen the literal brand name. Good job Coca-Cola. "

Read the full article on Marketing Tribute.

Posted on March 4, 2020 .

Short-term shame? Completely unjustified!


The lessons from Sharp, Binet and Field still matter, but you shouldn't be ashamed of your short-term strategy.

Last week, during Koffiedik Kijken 2020, it was back: the cry for help from marketers to stop with that short-term focus. Rabobank's Dorkas Koenen predicted - or actually hoped - that by 2020 marketers will really stop focusing on quick profit and product-oriented communication. "The trick no longer works," said Koenen. "It breaks brands," David Snellenberg also wrote in an emergency letter to Adformation last year.

Lately, it has become popular among marketers to cite publications by Byron Sharp (How Brands Grow) and The long and the Short of it by Les Binet and Peter Field. They show that successful brand building is due to conservatism. If you stick to your brand identity to a certain extent, focus on building brand associations, appeal to the widest possible audience and (as Nike's Phill Knight calls it) create an 'emotional tie' with your target audience, that promises greater market share in the long run . In other words, slow and steady wins the race. Something I myself have preached with great frustration for a long time.

Read the full article on Adformantie.

Posted on January 17, 2020 .

Make it stick


Do you already have the connection between emotion and your brand in order?

How do you increase the effectiveness of advertisements?

Annelies Wittenberg and Folkert van Oorschot, research consultants at Validators, answer this question in a series of four blogs, written especially for Adformation. In these blogs you will learn about the BEST CREATION Framework, which underlies the creation tests of Validators. It covers four elements that increase the effectiveness of your creation: Breakthrough, Engage, Stick and Trigger. In this blog Annelies tells you more about how your brand will stay in the memory of a consumer as best as possible.

Typically, there is a significant amount of time between the time an ad catches a consumer's attention and the buying moment. That is why it is important that an advertisement leaves a mark in a consumer's memory. This can be an image, a message, a smell, a feeling, a thought, or any other association between advertising and brand. Often these associations are not even consciously processed.

Read the full article on Adformantie.

Posted on January 8, 2020 .

"Is digital marketing a bubble?"

Dagens Media

Really missing all online marketing effect? The best way to find out is to experiment and not let other advertisers' experience become a general truth, writes Iprospect's Erik Luhr and Martin Styrhagen.

IF OUR INDUSTRY does not adopt a scientific approach to how marketing works or does not work, it will lose its influence, says Jenni Romaniuk at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science . We are prepared to agree, which is perhaps why it feels a little sad to see how a poorly substantiated article that drives the thesis that all online marketing has no effect has been extensively shared on social channels in recent weeks.

The article is called "The new dot com bubble is here: it's called online advertising" , and as the article title suggests, the authors believe that our industry to half (50 percent of all media investment is digital) is built on a false belief in the effect in digital marketing.

Read the full article on Dagens Media.

Posted on December 3, 2019 .

3 reasons for a logo in your commercial


Add or not add logo to your advertisement; what effect does that have on how the viewer experiences the spot and the brand?

Ster investigated this question for CheapTickets.nl with the help of Ster AdMeasure .

To logo or not to logo?

CheapTickets.nl , the number one travel website in the Netherlands, has recently launched their new campaign. Whatever the reason for your trip, everyone can go to CheapTickets. With their new campaign they focus on brand awareness and branding:

“The aim of the campaign is to increase our brand awareness, to further build on a positive brand image in order to ultimately create brand preference.” — Joost de Wit, Lead Branding & Engagement

To increase brand awareness, it is of course important that viewers get a good idea of ​​who the sender of the campaign is. Showing a logo in the spot is an efficient way to clarify the sender and build your brand awareness.

Does a logo derive?

However, there may be resistance around showing a logo in the spot, for example because of the fear that a commercial will be less liked with a logo. Or maybe because a logo actually derives from the message of the commercial and the surprise effect is gone. Some brands therefore opt for a more pragmatic variant of the logo: a neutral or transparent version. However, these choices are often made based on gut feeling.

CheapTickets.nl faced the same question and considerations in their new campaign. There was a need for data to not only choose on the basis of taste.

To help them with this assessment, we tested three variations of the spot among the target group in AdMeasure, Ster's innovative research tool. Each respondent assessed one of the three spots and the results were compared.

The variants were:

  • With the logo only visible at the end

  • With the normal logo constantly in view

  • With a more subtle, white logo constantly in view

Read the full article on Adformatie.

Posted on December 3, 2019 .

Don't burn long term for short term


We met Jenni Romaniuk, International Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the Festival of Marketing.

You have a message from Jenni Romaniuk, International Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, which we met at the Festival of Marketing: “Yes, you can only plan for the next quarter, but remember that what you do will have an impact beyond the next quarter.”

Your new book Building Distinctive Brand Assets has been released. Can you tell us about the book?

The book briefly describes how to use, measure and apply your brand identity. One of our problems with brand identities was to determine how to understand that you have a good brand identity. How will you know that you have a strong brand identity? What will you be able to change, how will you know if what you are doing is working? I've gathered all this in one place so you can understand how distinctive values ​​work.

How can marketers identify brand identity elements that can translate into distinctive values?

First of all, most brands have a history. So, you should go back and look at your history. What have you consistently applied? For example, you may have been using the same packaging for a very long time, or you may have used the same person for a long time in your ads. You may have used the same color, the same image, or the same style of ads in the background. When you look back at your history, you will realize that there are things that you repeat, both intentionally and unintentionally. These are your starting points. See how strong these are. Then look at what your competitors are doing; because you are fighting against your opponents in people's memory. Once you have gathered all this information and looked at your competitors, you can see how you can combine them and develop a distinctive value.

Read the full interview on MediaCat.

Posted on November 17, 2019 .

Moments of consumption, not consumer segments


In the next chapter, Mark Cichon focuses on key strategies that can affect the category of occasional shoppers. In particular, we will look at the evidence and examples that encourage marketers and agencies to focus on creating products and services that address key moments of consumption - and therefore reach a wide range of users.

Read the full article on Médiář.

Posted on November 12, 2019 .