The power of brand assets: Rudi ist zurück!


At the right time, Heineken uses the two old brand assets: the slogan Beertje? and der Rudi.

Never change a winning team or in the case of Heineken: the winning horse . The terraces will open today and Heineken has taken its winning horse out of the stable again. Ski instructor Rudi – Who doesn't know the 2002 commercial “Heeeee, Biertje”? – was given a new look on April 20, immediately after the cabinet announcement with the campaign #Heteerstebiertje.

Heineken has planted this well-known brand asset seed to give us the right push on April 28th. They want to see as many happy terrace goers as possible, naturally associated with Heineken. The consumer should celebrate #heterstebiertje by ordering it en masse, photographing it and sharing it via social media. For the time being, we can only enjoy a snack on the terrace until six o'clock, but what's wrong with us: "Give me such a nice beer!"

How Brands Grow

What is Heineken doing so well here? It all comes together. The right moment (the terraces will open again), the two old brand assets (the slogan Biertje? and der Rudi) and a clear call-to-action. Order, enjoy and above all share, in other words create social proof: everyone does it, including you. They make it very easy for us to buy. Byron Sharp would be pleased. Make it easy to buy  is his theory.

If you want people to think about your brand more often, consider you more often and buy more often, you have to build on the mental availability of the brand:  mental availability . You claim a relevant situation in the daily life of the consumer and link this to a strong brand asset. Finally, the beer must also be available to order:  physical availability . If the total picture is relevant for the large group ( mainstreames ), then everyone can think of you, consider you and buy. Ergo: brand growth. The theory of  How Brands Grow  in a nutshell.

Read the full article on Adformatie.

Posted on April 28, 2021 .