Marketing Journal Podcast: What the Marketing Bible 'How Brands Grow' by Byron Sharp says

Focus Agency

The most important source of information marketers can read in their lives. This is how renowned marketing professor Mark Ritson refers to the book How Brands Grow by Byron Sharp. In this podcast, you'll learn the most important things you can find in it.

How to build brands? This question has many answers. There are a number of approaches, and this diversity sometimes resembles the "school of thought" in the field of psychology. Experts argue which way is the right one. The layman (but also some marketer) is surprised. Is there any compass in this mix of uncertainty showing what really works? Yes, it's called " How Brands Grow ". This book was published by Byron Sharp in 2010, followed in 2016 by Jenni Romaniuk as its co-author.

In the Czech Republic strongly resonated performances Mark Ritson at the last Festival Marketing and its expertise is also involved in making this year's lineup. In his Making a Marketer document , the first question is: “We marketers like to say that our decision is based on evidence. Where to go when looking for data, what works and what doesn't? ”

Ritson then replies: “Lots of marketing is not based on evidence. It is either based on ignorance of empirical data, or was created on distorted half-truths designed to sell one thing to marketers instead of another. Since I have a Ph.D. in marketing, it is natural for me that when you say something, you have found empirical evidence to support it. This will take you to certain places . This will take you to Byron (Sharp) and the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute , because they have everything fantastically empirically grounded. The quality, application and insights of Les Binet and Peter Field's work, together with ' How Brands Grow ', form the most important corpus of information.”

And much of this most important information is available today . It was exactly what the "How Brands Grow" books said I was talking to Jan Patera, a former long-time marketing journalist from Marketing & Media and later Marketing Sales Media, who is now helping Blue Events design their conference program. Thanks to him in May of this year, he performed in Prague Les Binet and already in the Wednesday, October 2 at the conference have Brand Management in 2019 a chance to hear one of the main characters Ehrenberg-Bass Institute and co-author of the second edition of "How Brands Grow" Jenni Romaniuk.

Read the full article on Focus Agency.

Posted on September 29, 2019 .