Don't burn long term for short term


We met Jenni Romaniuk, International Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the Festival of Marketing.

You have a message from Jenni Romaniuk, International Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, which we met at the Festival of Marketing: “Yes, you can only plan for the next quarter, but remember that what you do will have an impact beyond the next quarter.”

Your new book Building Distinctive Brand Assets has been released. Can you tell us about the book?

The book briefly describes how to use, measure and apply your brand identity. One of our problems with brand identities was to determine how to understand that you have a good brand identity. How will you know that you have a strong brand identity? What will you be able to change, how will you know if what you are doing is working? I've gathered all this in one place so you can understand how distinctive values ​​work.

How can marketers identify brand identity elements that can translate into distinctive values?

First of all, most brands have a history. So, you should go back and look at your history. What have you consistently applied? For example, you may have been using the same packaging for a very long time, or you may have used the same person for a long time in your ads. You may have used the same color, the same image, or the same style of ads in the background. When you look back at your history, you will realize that there are things that you repeat, both intentionally and unintentionally. These are your starting points. See how strong these are. Then look at what your competitors are doing; because you are fighting against your opponents in people's memory. Once you have gathered all this information and looked at your competitors, you can see how you can combine them and develop a distinctive value.

Read the full interview on MediaCat.

Posted on November 17, 2019 .